Web Application Testing

We Provide

Web Application Testing

Cyber AiWare uses a customized process for conducting assessments of Web-based applications. This testing is designed to assess the development effort of the client’s Web application. In contrast to network-based testing for known vulnerabilities, this test identifies design flaws and recommends methodologies for improving the security of Web applications at the development level.

Cyber AiWare reviews the logic structure, code, methods of access, and authentication mechanisms of your web-based applications. Testing for SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and many other web application attack vectors.


Any high-risk vulnerabilities/risks identified will be immediately reported to management for appropriate action. The final report will describe the identified vulnerabilities/risks (prioritized as High, Medium, or Low), along with cost-effective recommendations for remediation.

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Expert Support to Enhance Your Cyber Defenses – Our team provides cutting-edge security solutions, proactive threat detection, and tailored strategies to keep your business protected against evolving cyber threats. Stay secure with our expertise and AI-driven defense.

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